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when my time comes中文是什么意思

用"when my time comes"造句"when my time comes"怎么读"when my time comes" in a sentence


  • 我的时辰到来的时候


  • When my time comes , they ll write my destiny will you take this ride
  • Mr . geller : listen to me ! when my time comes , i wanna be buried at sea
  • I want tolearn tolive so that when my time comes , i won ' t wish that i had done anything differently
  • I want tolearn tolive so that when my time comes , i won ' t wish that i had done anything differently
  • He does not care for that : when my time came to die , he would resign me , in all serenity and sanctity , to the god who gave me
  • And you ll keep your promise . he who lives and believes in me shall never die . and when my time comes , and it will , when my time to die comes , and it will , and when i have to pass from this life beyond , i will not be afraid for i know you ll be waiting and take me into your eternal kingdom of heaven
用"when my time comes"造句  
when my time comes的中文翻译,when my time comes是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译when my time comes,when my time comes的中文意思,when my time comes的中文when my time comes in Chinesewhen my time comes的中文when my time comes怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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